eBev is simplifying and empowering the beverage trade
The eBev platform brings together the biggest and best range of beverage suppliers under one platform, making the ordering and accounting process for hospitality venues quicker and easier, giving back time to refocus on growing your business.
1000 +
70,000 +
$250 million
Annual order value
Get to know us
Founded in 2015, eBev is Australia’s largest independent online ordering and financing platform for the beverage trade. We simplify the ordering process for hospitality venues Australia-wide while reducing business administration for both venues and suppliers. eBev is a facilitator, not a distributor. We are the tool that supports your business relationships, the control remains with our users, we just smooth the bit in the middle making everyone's life easier.
Our mantra? Never miss an order! And with over 600,000 orders facilitated by our platform you know you can count on us.
All your beverages under one single login
Discover new products and engage with new suppliers
No additional credit applications for new eBev Trade suppliers - just start trading with no waiting for further credit applications or checks
Integrated invoicing
Multiple payment methods, with direct integration into your accounting software
Take the ‘manual’ out of your beverage ordering experience; reorder with a click, track order confirmations and delivery all from one central location
Join Australia’s largest beverage database, list your products and extend your customer reach
Access to small independent venues and big hospitality groups
National coverage and an active buyer group looking for your products
Trade credit financing - never chase an invoice again
Outsourced invoicing and accounts receivable – we take care of getting the money in
Guaranteed payment in 3 days – reduce your risk of doing business
Integration of orders into your supplier systems
What is eBev?
Our state of the art beverage ordering platform is the full 360-degree solution to beverage ordering and supply. Simply put, it will save you significant time and risk whether you are buying or selling.
The Platform
Order all your beverage needs from the cellar, bar or the beach. Don’t worry suppliers, you can manage all customer orders from one place from wherever you like to. No more text messages, WhatsApp or carrier pigeon order. Everything is in one place. Fully responsive for mobile use, re-order functions, product search all from the palm of your hand.
eBev Trade Credit
We take care of the credit application process, invoicing, and following up payments. Venues receive their invoices all from one place, and with integration into leading accounting or beverage wholesaling systems, reconciling payments to invoices or deliveries requires no data entry.
Fancy trying that new-release wine, limited-edition brew or something else on your list? Now venues on eBev Trade can simply order then and there, no waiting on credit apps. For suppliers, that's a great prospect pool of new listings just waiting for you to do your thing.
“Modern-day wine ordering made simple for all your venue managers.”
— Cameron, Swan Hotel Richmond
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